
Why I Preach With A Banner

It separates me from the crowd and identifies my purpose. The banner gives me a greater presence than I would have without it.

It attracts people to me by its content. They actually come to me to ask questions. Why are you here? What does the banner mean? Through it I get many more chances to plant a seed.

It preaches to others even when I am dealing one on one with someone else. MANY pictures of me with the banner have been taken and now appear around the world in photo albums and video clips.

My banner of the Great White Throne Judgment (a copy made from the soul winning tract "Tell It Like It Is" by Dr. Peter Ruckman) focuses my preaching.

Explaining the picture automatically keeps my attention on men being sinners, lost and undone, hopeless unless they receive the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior.

Three Ways to Get a Banner

We want you to have a banner if you are doing any open-air ministry. There are at least three ways we know of for you to get a banner:

  1. The Bible Baptist Bookstore in Pensacola, Florida is now printing banners with a wide body inkjet on poly materials. They offer the small banners for $100.00 and the large ones for $150.00. On the downside, the last word I got from the bookstore was that you will have to sew your own loops on, so if you choose this option ask for extra material and get someone with a sewing machine lined up. If you need one in a hurry and can afford to buy one, they have them available. You can contact them at (850) 477-8812.
  2. You can make your own. To go to the link Banner Production Requirements Click Here
  3. Banners Unfurled will furnish a banner free. Because of our limited resources we only want to give them out to people who HAVE a regular consistent and ongoing street ministry. We have been asked to provide banners to hang in churches but have turned them down because we want to have the banner connected to a person on the street enhancing his ministry. For indoor use you can paint one with any paints on any material but for regular use outside in the elements it takes special materials. For us to give you one free we ask you to agree doctrinally with us on some essential issues. They are:

You must believe in eternal security. You must believe in the authority and superiority of the King James Bible. You must believe that tongues are not for our dispensation.

We (a team of volunteers) have to make these banners by hand one at a time and we have a waiting list that can be several days to several months long so if you are willing to wait, we will put your name on our waiting list after we have from you:

  • a short salvation testimony
  • your church affiliation
  • a statement of faith regarding the doctrinal issues listed above
  • past street preaching history and plans for the future
  • what kind of places you preach and how often
  • a promise to send us some pictures of you in service periodically
  • your shipping address and eMail to communicate when ready to ship.

After receiving your letter and reviewing it, we will put you on the list and get one to you within a few weeks, Lord willing. We provide the banner itself (WITH THE LOOPS SEWN ON). The hardware will cost you $30.00 if you want a set (See HARDWARE pictures and instructions click here) to attach the banner to the pole, otherwise you can rig up something out of pipe. Your additional expense is to get your horizontal poles (two shower rods) and an upright pole (swimming pool utility pole) to use with your banner. Your total expense should be under $80.00. So let us hear from you if you want one and will genuinely put it to use.